Plant A Tree
We have partnered with the non-profit organization to plant a tree each time an order is placed. We are so proud to work with them and help push the goal to a more biodiverse, reforested, and sustainable future for our planet. Their organization has worked with over 43 different countries and planted well over 40,000,000 trees to date.
Working with One Tree Planted is a great way to offset the paper used in our products, transportation used to ship products, and limit our carbon footprint the best we can. Planting trees works towards reforestation, in turn helping to:
- Clean our air.
- Combat the ever-expanding urban crawl.
- Support biodiversity for living organisms.
- Limit greenhouse gases.
- Filter the water we drink.
- Cool the planet.
At Custom Comet, we know climate change is real, a threat to us all, and we are committed to doing our part. Even this little step, is a step in the right direction. So in ordering with us, you too are making a difference.
We also make the goal to specifically target tree plantings in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest, as starting small and local is the first step, but as we grow our company, so will our plantings.
Our company planted 472 trees this past quarter and 11,099 total. When our 11,099 trees mature, they will absorb approximately 554,950 pounds of CO2 each year! These trees will also produce about 2,774,750 pounds of pure oxygen each year! To put that into perspective, that is enough oxygen for 555 people to breathe each and every day.
Let us help you with your dream of creating the perfect air fresheners, lapel pin, embroidered patch, or other promotional product and help us grow this goal to better our planet together.